Clinics & Services
We offer a comprehensive range of clinics and service
Immunisations & Vaccinations
The Flu vaccine is seasonal and only provides cover for the administered year. It has to repeated annually, and supplied to specific target groups.
The pneumococal vaccine is available year round to target groups.
It is very important to ensure the recommended full course of immunisations throughout childhood to ensure adequate protection against harmful infectious diseases.
**Influenza and Pneumococcal*8
Flu is Seasonal (September to March)
Flu vaccines are routinely given by the nurses and Health Care Assistants. They are provided to patients over 65 years, and those over 6 months of age with chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, kidney/liver disease or cancer and if you are pregnant. If you are outside of these criteria, you may still be able to obtain a flu vaccine directly through your community pharmacist for a fee. The vaccine is available as a nasal spray for 2-3 year olds.
Pneumococcal vaccinations are available all-year round, and again offered to patients over 65 years and those with chronic diseases.
Child Immunisation
Strongly Recommended
Many childhood diseases have been virtually eradicated in the UK due to the availability of vaccinations. It is, therefore, very important that all children are fully immunised. The majority of vaccinations up to the age of 5 years are performed at the surgery following a reminder sent to the parents by the Health Board.
Vaccines for Diptheria, Tetanus, Whooping cough, polio, Haemophilus, Rotavirus, Meningitis B&C and Pneumococcus are staggered at various times from 8 weeks to 4 years of age. Further vaccines for HPV in girls (12-13yrs) and the 3 in 1 booster with meningitis vaccine at 14 yrs to all, are usually administered at school, although can be accessed via GP surgery.
For a detailed schedule of recommended vaccinations please click (this link needs to be a link)
Travel vaccinations
You need to allow at least 6-8 weeks for these to take effect
A top-up of your scheduled NHS vaccinations (if indicated) are provided free-of- charge. Hepatitis A and Typhoid vaccines are also free-of-charge unless travelling to Australia, New Zealand or USA & Canada. Other vaccinations such as Japanese Encephalitis B, Tick-borne Encephalitis, Rabies, Meningococcal, ACWYVAX and Cholera are all chargeable. We are NOT an approved Yellow Fever centre.