Clinics & Services

Smoking Cessation


At Westfield Medical Centre we work closely with Stop Smoking Wales, which is funded by the Welsh Government, and is an integral part of Public Health Wales where it forms a central element of the Tobacco Control programme.

Our staff can refer patients to the Stop Smoking Wales service.

Stop Smoking Wales is a specialist health service that provides sessions for smokers who want help to give up.

The service plays an important role in reducing the impact of tobacco on the health of people in Wales and values the contribution it can make towards reaching the Welsh Government target of reducing smoking prevalence in Wales to 16 per cent by 2020.

Research has shown that smokers are four times more likely to give up with a support programme like Stop Smoking Wales.

Stop Smoking Wales offers clients a seven week treatment programme based on the withdrawal oriented treatment model.

The programme provides:

• Weekly appointments at the same time and same place each week
• Appointments available during the day and early evening in local community venues
• Expert behavioural support delivered by a trained Stop Smoking Advisor
• Encouragement, support and guidance throughout the quitting process
• Information on pharmacological aids
• Follow-up at four weeks and 12 months

The service offers free, half day Brief Intervention Training. Brief intervention is a method of discussing smoking and quitting in a positive, non-confrontational way to encourage smokers to think about giving up and enable them to access specialist support when they are ready.